If the paper speaks, the digital signature screams
A document with a digital signature has the legal equivalence and the same probative force as a handwritten signature on physical documents. Law 8454 on “Certificates, digital signatures and electronic documents” provides support for both the signature of a natural person, which is issued with the card connected to the computer when signing a document, and the signature of a legal entity, which in the case of the Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC), is a service that receives an unsigned PDF document to return it with the institutional signature.
Most of the institutions that currently use the digital signature began the replacement of paper documents by electronic ones, starting with simple documents, which do not involve serious errors that affect people or things. Some institutions have started with the vacation requests of civil servants. In case of any error in the process, the official simply recreated the request and signed it again.
The experience gained in the Attorney General’s Office with the beginning of simple documents allowed it to take firm steps in the replacement of more sensitive documents, in PDF format with advanced digital signature. Today, most of the documents issued and received by the Attorney General’s Office are electronic, signed, and most of them are highly relevant.
At TEC, digital signatures are already used to sign documents of various types. In areas where it is not yet used, paper documents can be replaced, starting with those that do not involve risks. You can start with applications, receipts, vouchers, minutes, reports, project proposals, notifications, appointments, legal communications, files, certifications and certificates. As experience accumulates, it is possible to replace more important documents such as contracts, memorandums, protocols, folios, declarations, construction projects, financial statements, quotations, awards, budgets and any other document with legal and/or evidentiary character.
Each area, school and department of TEC is aware of their processes, and handle various documents in digital format that, unfortunately, then print, as proof of the document in electronic format. Some people in TEC still use the phrase “The paper talks”. But digitally signed documents are more secure, reliable and with legal support. Alexander Barquero, director of digital signature of Micitt indicates that “If the paper speaks, electronic documents with digital signature shout”.
Naturally, some people are resistant to change, and it is even said that the digital signature is “an obsolete tool”, but the reality is that it is currently a fully functional technological solution used in the most developed countries
, such as the European Union and the United States.
Fortunately, at TEC the conditions exist to improve the activities. The management and the people in charge of the different processes know which documents can be left unprinted. The TEC has the necessary tools, support and accompaniment to stop printing, carrying from one place to another and accumulating papers.
As TEC officials, it is mandatory to propose and implement improvements in services and be agents of change using the advanced digital signature and in general the technologies that propose improvements.
Note taken from: EL TEC